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    5 Ways to Avoid Acne Breakouts

    5 Ways to Avoid Acne Breakouts

    Your skin, the largest and most exposed organ of your body, comes in contact with a myriad of harmful external elements, such as free radicals, smoke, bacteria, dirt, and numerous other toxins. Most of us think of keeping our skin protected, smooth, and clear only in terms of the skincare products we slather. We often neglect the fact that certain unhealthy habits, inadequate nutrition, and our insignificant-looking daily activities can also have negative effects on our skin. It becomes even more significant when you’re fighting acne. This article will help you recognize elements that can aggravate acne breakouts and share some tips on how to deal with them effectively.

    Be Mindful of Your Iodine Intake

    Feeding your skin with the right nutrients is as crucial as applying suitable skincare products to keep the skin looking its best. Certain foods contain harmful ingredients that can contribute to acne, blemishes, wrinkles, dark spots, and a myriad of other skin issues. Iodine is one of the components found in fast/processed food, food supplements, sports drinks, seafood, seaweed, energy bars, kelp tablets, and dairy products. It’s converted into iodides that get absorbed into the bloodstream and utilized by the thyroid gland. Higher levels of iodide in the body are released through sweating, which may lead to clogged pores, inflammation, and acne breakouts. Therefore, it’s important to avoid consuming iodine-rich foods in abundance. The popular perception about chocolate and oily foods being acne triggers, on the other hand, has long been debunked.

    Stay Clear of Androgen-Affecting Foods

    Androgen is a hormone responsible for various bodily functions, including metabolism, muscle and bone development, hair growth, and sexual characteristics, etc. Foods with high amounts of sugar lead to increased activity of insulin, in turn, affecting androgens. This accelerates the formation of IGF-1 (an insulin-like growth factor), contributing to higher production of sebum and acne flare-ups. Some of the high-glycemic foods to avoid are dairy products, organ meats, peanuts and peanuts-derived foods (peanut butter and oil), corn oil, shellfish, and wheat germ.

    Don’t Pick your Pimples

    We understand the urge to pick at your pimples, especially when your skin feels irritated and itchy. However, this habit can make your skin problem even worse. It leads to more pimples, spreads the infection, damages the skin, and leaves acne scars. So, instead of touching your face and picking the pimples, rub ice for around 5 minutes to soothe and reduce them. This tip is more effective when your pimples are at the initial stage of development. Benzoyl peroxide is commonly used for this purpose, which may over-dry the skin and intensify inflammation.

    Use Fragrance-Free Detergents

    This may have never crossed your mind but the detergents you use to wash your laundry can also add up to your skin concerns. Synthetic fragrances are one of the most aggravating elements for acne and inflammation-prone complexion. Therefore, it’s recommended to swap your regular detergents with gentle, fragrance-free formulas, like Arm & Hammer, All Free & Clear, Tide Free & Gentle, and Cheer Free, etc.

    Avoid Using Fabric Softeners

    The liquid fabric softeners and dryer sheets you use leave waxy deposits and fragrance in the fabric that can transfer to your skin and make your acne worse. The waxy residue on your pillowcase can buildup in your pores and clog them. To avoid getting static on your bedding and clothes without a fabric softener, use anti-static cling balls to solve this issue.

    The Bottom Line

    Achieving and maintaining healthy and clear skin isn’t an overnight task. It requires consistent care and a preemptive approach that ensures the safety and optimal health of your skin. If your skin woes include acne, you need to put in extra care. We hope the tips shared in this article will help you enjoy a youthful and radiant complexion in the long run.

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